PRISM BioLab、製薬大手のRoche社と Genentech社に対し独自開発のペプチド模倣技術を用いた低分子ライブラリーを提供

株式会社PRISM BioLab、エーザイ株式会社より資金調達

PRISM BioLab, the Japan based biotechnology company with proprietary small molecule drug discovery technology ”PepMetics®”, today announced that it has raised ¥100 million in Series C funding through a third-party allotment to Eisai Co. Ltd. on October 14. PRISM has completed the series C financing of 1.4 billion yen in total and aims to achieve...


PRISM Pharma Co.,Ltd. (“Pharma”) and its wholly owned subsidiary, PRISM BioLab Co.,Ltd.(“BioLab”), have merged as of Octorber 1,2018. BioLab succeeds all Pharma’s rights and obligations. Because those two companies were operated as one by the same management, actual business will not change at all after this merger. PRISM BioLab Co., Ltd. President & CEO Dai...

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